2012年8月26日 星期日

Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes with Green Onion

Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes with Green Onion


2 potatoes
Black pepper
1/4 cup of milk
3 cloves garlic
Green onion chopped
Olive oil


Place 2 potatoes in a large saucepan, add the salt, and cover with water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and then reduce heat to maintain a rolling boil. Cook until potatoes fall apart when poked with a fork approx 30mins. Drain water and peel skins.

Heat olive oil and the garlic in a medium saucepan over medium heat until garlic turns golden. Remove from heat and set aside.

Add the garlic, green onion, butter to potatoes and mash. At last add milk and mix until creamy.







1. 先在蠔中灑少許鹽蒸至半熟.

2. 將蠔沾上生粉之後煎到金黃色.

3. 當蠔煎到金黃色時加上芹菜粒,蒜蓉, 乾葱粒, 紅椒粒 炒匀.

4. 加上砵酒, 豉油,鹽,糖.






將雞切細件 紅棗浸軟去核開邊

加入薑片,鼓油,糖,栗粉,麻油,蠔油, 黑胡椒碎,醃30分鐘




雞脾 6隻
洋蔥切碎 2個
椰漿 一杯
花奶 一杯
咖哩葉 適量
香茅 2支
檸檬葉 6片
青胡椒 2棵
泰國茄子 20粒

用頭抽/泰國豉油, 糖醃20分鐘. 舂碎咖哩葉, 紅椒, 香茅, 青胡椒. 燒熱油爆香咖哩葉, 紅椒, 香茅, 青胡椒, 然後加泰國茄子, 洋蔥碎, 再加雞脾炒香, 待雞炒至金黃色後落椰漿, 花奶, 檸檬葉 煮20-25分鐘, 上碟前再加花奶. 完成.







1. 洗淨冬茹,浸水最少三小時。
2. 冬茹去蒂,切片,備用。
3. 肉碎醃好,備用。
4. 蠔仔加入大量生粉,用手輕輕拌勻,再用水沖洗乾淨備用。(洗淨黑黑的污物及蠔瞉)
5. 大地魚去皮起骨,剪成小塊,小火炸香,放涼備用。
6. 洗米,煲飯,備用。
7. 冬菜洗淨備用。(小心有沙石)
8. 蠔仔飛水。
9. 鑊中入適量的水,煮滾。(若喜歡味濃,可用清雞湯)
10 , 水開,加入蚝仔、肉碎、冬菜、冬菇粒,煮至大滾。
11. 加入白飯輕輕弄散。
12. 加入大地魚。
13. 下鹽調味,即成。(若喜歡可加入中芹、蔥花、芫荽等)




羊腩 1斤
冬菇 4隻
冬筍 2隻 (小)
馬蹄 半斤

歸新 2片
柱侯醬 2湯匙
腐乳 1磚
冰糖 1小粒 (1粒馬蹄大小)


1. 羊腩切件, 洗淨出水, 用凍水沖淨備用, 乾鑊爆香羊腩

2. 冬菇浸軟, 切去蒂留用, 切厚片, 浸菇水留用

3. 馬蹄去皮洗淨

4. 冬筍一瓣瓣剝去皮, 切去硬腳, 切件, 出水後用凍水浸至冰凍, 取出備用

5. 薑切片, 乾葱, 蒜頭去皮, 洗淨備用
6. 燒紅砂鍋, 下油爆香薑片, 乾蔥, 蒜頭, 放羊腩兜炒, 下冬筍, 馬蹄炒勻

7. 下 腐乳, 柱侯醬爆香, 加水浸過所有材料, 下陳皮和冰糖, 蓋上煲蓋大火滾起, 小火煮30分鐘, 熄火焗15分鐘
8. 再滾起, 下冬菇後滾起, 小火煮15分鐘後, 熄火焗15分鐘

9. 再滾起, 下枝竹後滾起, 小火煮15分鐘後, 熄火焗15分鐘即成

小貼士: 炆肉類要腍而不散, 重要步驟是炆一會, 熄火焗一會, 死命炆只會令羊腩太硬或太腍



材 料:

韓 國 粉 絲 1/2 包
牛 柳 絲 200 克
雲 耳 10 克 ( 浸 軟 )
冬 菇 5 隻
韭 菜 200 克
紅 蘿 蔔 100 克
蒜 茸 1 湯 匙
麻 油 2 湯 匙 ;

調 味: 

豉 油 2 湯 匙
薑 汁 1 湯 匙
酒 1 湯 匙
味 醂 1 湯 匙
胡 椒 粉 適 量
水 2 湯 匙

做 法:

1. 韓 國 粉 絲 浸 軟 瀝 乾 。

2. 冬 菇 浸 軟 切 絲 ; 雲 耳 浸 軟 去 掉 硬 的 部 分 後 切 絲 ; 韭 菜 切 4 至 5 厘 米 長 段 ; 紅 蘿 蔔 切 絲 。

3. 燒 熱 鑊 下 1 湯 匙 麻 油 , 放 入 蒜 茸 炒 香 , 加 入 冬 菇 、 雲 耳 及 牛 柳 絲 以 小 火 炒 至 牛 柳 變 色 , 加 入 紅 蘿 蔔 絲 及 韭 菜 炒 勻 。

4. 將 調 味 料 拌 勻 倒 入 鑊 中 , 快 速 炒 勻 後 盛 起 備 用 。

5. 將 1 湯 匙 麻 油 倒 入 鑊 中 , 加 入 粉 絲 炒 至 粉 絲 軟 化 時 , 將 ( 4 ) 回 鑊 , 炒 至 汁 料 被 粉 絲 完 全 吸 收 後 即 成 。

貼 士
粉 絲 浸 軟 後 略 剪 斷 , 可 更 易 與 材 料 炒 勻

Onion soup

Onion soup

Add olive oil, butter, theme, onion stir fry till golden.. add flour stir fry.. add soup.. remove bubble.. add cheese



Sauce: add oil to fry minced garlic, chili sauce, tomato paste, wine, soup, peanut paste, salt n pepper



Mary biscuits, condensed milk, light butter, light cream,




1kg Live Mussels
1/2 Onion
3 Cloves of Garlic (Chopped)
4 Shallots
1/5 Butter
2 Bay Leaves
1-2 cups of white wine


1. Diced onion, garlic and shallots.
2. Heat butter in pan, Add chopped onion, garlic and shallots till golden brown.
3. Add live mussels to pan along with thyme and mixed well.
4. Pour white wine, 2 bay leaves and parsley flakes in pan till boiling. Cover pan until mussel is fully cooked.
5. Add cream and mix well. (Optional)
6. Add croutons on top. (Optional) or eat along with garlic bread.

Homemade Croutons:

1. Place sliced french bread in oven till golden brown on both sides.
2. Spread some olive oil on one side and then rub with garlic.
3. Cut the sliced freach bread into bite size. Add chopped parsley, chopped onion, chopped shallots, olive oil, black pepper and salt and mix well.
4. Put it back in oven until the bread is crunchy.


日式沙律: 旦黃+菜油++

Squid Rice

Squid Rice

Japanese style - marinate squid with soy sauce, honey and chili oil. Stuffed w/ fried egg strips, eel  and eel sauce and rice. Grounded seaweed on top
Spanish style: marinate w/ salt, sugar, chicken powder. Stuffed w/ shrimp soup cooked rice, calms (or other seafood) diced tomato, herbs.. and tomato sauce on top.



Beef: Marinated with sake and soy sauce
Sauce: Miso, sake, Mirin, sugar
Stir fried eggplant, and beef separately.  Add eggplant back when beef is done. Add chili pepper, sauce. Mixed well. Add sesame.

Kimchi minced pork soba

Kimchi minced pork soba



-Minced pork



Minced pork marinate: sake, Japanese soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil

Sauce: soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, vinegar, sesame

Stir fried minced pork till cooked. Mixed sauce. Put cold cooked soba on plate, add kimchi on top, then cooked minced pork, grounded daikon, raw egg york, final add sauce.



大 花 蟹 一 隻


1. 不 要 洗 蟹 , 先 將 蟹 放 入 冰 格 ( freezer ) 兩 小 時 。 這 樣 冷 縮 熱 脹 的 效 果 可 令 蟹 肉 離 殼 , 吃 起 蟹 箝 的 時 候 比 較 方 便 。

2. 將 蟹 拿 出 , 洗 刷 乾 淨 後 備 用 。
3. 煲 一 大 鑊 熱 水 , 放 三 兩 羹 砂 糖 , 水 滾 放 蟹 入 去 煮 半 小 時 , 放 砂 糖 可 以 保 留 蟹 的 鮮 橙 色 。
4. 把 蟹 放 涼 , 放 入 雪 櫃 , 雪 凍 便 可 隨 時 供 食 。








1. 炸透薑片至金黃色,然後隔走油份
2. 將薑片、蔥、紅椒連同鮑魚一同煎四分半鐘
3. 期間加入雞湯、燒酒、糖一同烹調,直至鮑魚變成乾身






1. 先將雞翼去骨
2. 把燕窩釀入雞翼中空部分
3. 用牙簽縫合釀好的雞翼,並用鹽醃製
4. 沸水浸雞翼五至十秒,再浸麥芽糖水
5. 用勾懸吊雞翼
6. 雞翼變乾身後再用油泡熟







1. 將油加熱後放入雞件
2. 放入薑蓉、紅棗、糯米酒輕炒一會
3. 蓋上鍋蓋焗煮約十分鐘,直至鍋內糯米酒接近完全蒸乾






1. 將薑和蔥放進沸水泡兩至三分鐘
2. 用手替雞隻按摩全身,藉此令雞的關節變得鬆軟
3. 先吊水三下 (將火關掉,將雞放入沸水浸泡五秒然後拿出水面,如此類推重複三次),然後再放入熱水將雞灼熟直至雞熟浮上水面
4. 用凍水/冰水浸泡已灼熟的雞,直至雞身達至室溫(用冰水浸雞則約八分鐘)
5. 將雞切件後用手輕輕塗上薄鹽


1. 將薑切成薄片後再切碎,然後再將蔥切粒
2. 用一斤薑蓉混入四両鹽,再將薑蓉搾走薑汁
3. 將熟油混入薑蓉 (不要用滾油,避免揮發掉薑的清香),然後混入同等份量蔥花,以及適量芝麻









1. 用鹽、生粉水、味粉醃製半肥瘦肉排
2. 將肉排沾滿雞蛋令肉排更具黏性,之後平均地黏上生粉
3. 將油煮熱然後熄火,放入肉排炸五分鐘
4. 放入菠蘿、青椒輕炸
5. 將一湯匙醋、茄汁、OK汁、1.5湯匙糖連同酸梅煮熱作為醬汁
6. 將所有材料放入醬汁煮熱即可







1. 用滾水將三文魚灼至三成熟
2. 以新鮮魷魚片包裹著三文魚,並用竹簽固定
3. 再將三文魚混入配菜灼至七成熟
4. 同時將橄欖油、白汁、忌廉混合生蠔輕煮製成蠔汁
5. 將七成熟的三文魚上碟,再鋪上蠔汁即可








1. 先將海鮮「拉油」
2. 將銀芽、蔥絲炒熱後再加入金邊粉炒熱,期間注入少量雞蛋
3. 加入糖、雞粉、越南魚露、老抽等調味品一同炒熱
4. 再加入海鮮,最後加青檸汁、辣椒汁
5. 上碟後加少量、乾蔥、芝麻








1. 先剪去蝦腳及蝦眼,避免蝦眼內水份接觸滾油後濺起水花
2. 以生粉、鹽醃製鮮蝦
3. 油泡粉絲
4. 油泡鮮蝦至「爆肚」
5. 中火炒熱薑米、蒜米、紅蔥頭、黑白胡椒
6. 將紹興酒及蝦一落鑊與調味料一同炒熟

Buffalo Chicken Wing Sauce

Buffalo Chicken Wing Sauce


8 tablespoons Louisiana hot sauce (Frank's is the brand used in Buffalo)
8 tablespoons unsalted butter or margarine
1 1/2 tablespoons white vinegar
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
salt to taste


Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, and over low heat bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally, and then turn off.

After the wings are cooked, transfer to a large mixing bowl. Pour the sauce over the hot wings and toss with a spoon or spatula to completely coat.

2012年8月3日 星期五

Creamy mussels with smoky bacon and cider

Creamy mussels with smoky bacon and cider


Olive oil
6 rashers smoked streaky bacon, the best quality you can afford, sliced 1cm thick
1kg mussels, debearded and scrubbed clean (ask your fishmonger to do this for you)
1 clove of garlic, peeled and finely sliced
150ml good-quality cider
2 tbsp crème fraîche
Small bunch of fresh tarragon, leaves picked and roughly chopped
Small bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves picked and roughly chopped

For the toasts
½-1 loaf of good-quality rustic bread or ciabatta, sliced 2cm thick
1 clove of garlic, halved
Extra virgin olive oil


Put your bread on a screaming hot griddle, in the toaster or under a hot grill to toast.

Meanwhile, put a large pan on a high heat with a lug of olive oil. Once hot, add the sliced bacon then stir and cook for a couple of minutes, or until golden and crispy. Scoop the bacon out of the pan, leaving the flavoured fat behind. Check your mussels, if any of them are open just give them a little tap and they should close; if they don’t they’re no good to eat so chuck those ones away. Add the mussels to the hot pan with the garlic, cider and a good lug of olive oil. Cover with a lid and leave to steam for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the mussels have opened and are soft, juicy and delicious. Shake the pan occasionally.

Meanwhile, rub your toasts with the cut side of a garlic clove and drizzle them lightly with extra virgin olive oil.

When all of the mussels have opened, they’re ready. Transfer them to a large platter, leaving the juices behind in the pan. If any of the mussels have remained closed, throw those away, they’re no good. Lay your toasts around the edge of the platter.

Stir the crème fraîche into the pan then let it come to the boil and bubble away for a couple of minutes. Add most of the herbs and a little of the bacon then have a taste and season with pepper. Give the pan a jiggle then pour the sauce over your mussels. Scatter over the remaining herbs and bacon then bang the platter in the middle of the table and let everyone tuck in.

2012年8月2日 星期四

Malaysian coconut prawn curry

Malaysian coconut prawn curry


2 tbsp light soft brown sugar
3 tbsp thick coconut cream
4 tbsp lime juice
½ tsp salt
16-20 medium sized fresh king prawns, peeled
1 small or ½ large pineapple, cut into ½cm cubes

For the braised rice
300g long grain rice, washed in a sieve until water runs clear
400ml can coconut milk
100ml water
½ tsp salt
3-4 thin slices of ginger

For the spice paste
50ml vegetable oil
3 red chillies, each halved with seeds removed (1 or 2 more can be added for a more fiery finish)
1cm piece of fresh ginger, sliced
1 large red onion, sliced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbsp water


Preheat the oven to 170°C/gas mark 3. Bring the coconut milk, water, salt and ginger to the boil. Add the washed rice and return to the boil. Cover the pan with a lid and braise in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, before removing the rice from the oven. Should the rice be slightly undercooked, leave to stand with the lido on to continue the cooking process for a few minutes before serving.

For the spice paste, grind together all of the spice ingredients to a paste in a small blender, adding a touch of the oil a little at a time to keep the blades turning, if needed. Heat the remaining oil in a wok or frying pan and stir fry the paste for 6-8 minutes over a medium heat until fragrant.

To make the sauce, add the light soft brown sugar, coconut cream, lime juice and salt, simmering gently for a minute or two before adding the prawns and pineapple. Continue to simmer for a few minutes more and the prawns are beginning to firm to the touch.

The prawns are now ready to serve with the braised coconut rice.

Cook's tip: Freshly chopped coriander can be sprinkled over the prawns. The sauce, if too thick, can be loosened with a little more water or coconut cream.

Seafood Paella

Seafood Paella


Olive oil
2 raw chorizo sausages (approximately 250g in total), thickly sliced
300g pork belly, skin removed, the best quality you can afford, cut into 1cm pieces
1 green pepper, deseeded and roughly chopped
1 red pepper, deseeded and roughly chopped
5 cloves of garlic, peeled and roughly chopped
1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
A small bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves picked and roughly chopped, stalks finely chopped
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
A good pinch of saffron
400g clams or mussels, scrubbed clean and debearded
300g paella rice
200g jarred red peppers in oil, drained and torn into pieces
1 x 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
1 litre chicken or vegetable stock, preferably organic
12 large prawns, shells on
150g squid, cleaned and finely sliced
150g green beans, sliced very thinly at an angle
1 lemon, cut into wedges


How to make Jamie's favourite paella

1. Heat a large wide-based pan over a medium heat and add a lug of olive oil, the sliced chorizo and the pork belly. Fry for around 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. As soon as the chorizo starts taking on colour and the fat is beginning to cook out of it, add the chopped peppers, garlic, onion and parsley stalks along with a good pinch of salt and pepper and the saffron. Fry gently for another 10 minutes, or until the vegetables have begun to soften. Meanwhile pick through the shellfish and get rid of any clams or mussels that aren't tightly closed.

2. Add the rice and jarred peppers and keep stirring for a few minutes until the rice is coated in all the lovely flavours, then pour in the tinned tomatoes and 800ml of stock, seasoning again with salt and pepper. Bring everything to the boil, then turn down to a medium to low heat and stir constantly for about 15 minutes. This combination of flavours will be absolutely beautiful, but you've got to help the dish along by doing your job and making sure each grain of rice gets the same amount of love. So every now and then, stir from the outside of the pan into the middle so you get a sort of pile of rice in the centre, making sure nothing is sticking to the bottom. Flatten the pile out with your spoon, then start the whole process again.

3. After 15 minutes the rice should be cooked, but still have a bit of a bite, so add the mussels or clams and the prawns. You may want to add an extra splash of stock here if the rice looks a bit dry. Keep stirring, and as the clams and mussels start to open and the prawns begin to turn pink, add your squid and green beans and cook for a further 5 minutes or so. Discard any clams or mussels that don't open. Stir in the chopped parsley leaves and the juice from half your lemon wedges, and bring to the table with the remaining lemon wedges on the side.

Mi Pescado a la Sal (西班牙鹽焗魚)

Mi Pescado a la Sal (西班牙鹽焗魚)


For the fish:

1kg coarse rock salt
2 large eggs, preferably free range or organic
1/2 tbsp fennel seeds
1 lemon
1 x 600g sea bass or 2 portion-sized bream, gutted, scales left on, gills out
A small bunch of fresh basil
A small bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley
For the alioli
3 large cloves of garlic, peeled
A pinch of saffron
Sea salt
50ml olive oil
50ml good quality Spanish extra virgin olive oil
For the side salad:
1/2 a cucumber, peeled
A large handful of green olives, stoned
2 jarred red peppers
A few sprigs of fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves picked and chopped
Freshly ground black pepper


How to make mi pescado a la sal

1. Preheat the oven to full whack. Put the rock salt into a large, wide bowl with 2 tablespoons of water, your eggs, fennel seeds and the peeled rind of the lemon. Mix everything together until sticky and claggy, then spread two-thirds of the mixture around the base of a roasting tray in a thick layer. Stuff the cavity of your fish with the basil and parsley (or any fragrant herbs), then lay the fish on the salt bed, and completely cover it with the rest of the salt so you get a layer just over 1.5cm thick. Pat it down firmly, then put into the oven for 15 minutes.

2. Once cooked, remove from the oven, take a sharp knife and stick it through the salt into the middle of your fish. Carefully touch the knife to your lip and if it's hot, the fish is ready. Leave to one side for 10 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, pound and mush up the garlic, saffron and a good pinch of salt in a mortar and pestle until you've got a smooth vibrant orange paste. Use the pestle to mix in the olive oil, a drizzle at a time. Be patient and wait until you've got a smooth emulsion before adding the next drizzle. Do the same with the extra virgin olive oil. If it splits, pour the mixture out, pound some more garlic and salt together, then really slowly add the split mixture to that. Have a taste. Initially it will be fiery and you'll think you don't like it, but it's supposed to be that way. Add a squeeze or two of juice from your peeled lemon and taste again.

4. Roughly slice your cucumber and put it into a bowl. Tear the olives and add to the bowl along with the torn-up peppers, the parsley, a squeeze of lemon juice and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Season with a little salt and pepper, then toss together.

5. By now the salt on your fish should be hard as a brick, so give it a whack around the edges with the back of a spoon, and if you're lucky, the whole top will peel off. Carefully brush the excess salt off your fish, trying not to let the salt touch the flesh, then gently move it to a platter using a fish slice. Run a knife along the spine of the fish up to the head, then cut across the fish below the head. Use the knife to find the bones, then carefully lift the fillet up so the fish opens like a book. Discard the skin and bones and put beautiful big flakes of fish on your serving plates with a dollop of your alioli on top and some olive salad.

Creamy Mushrooms

Creamy Mushrooms


A small rustic loaf of bread, to serve
350g chanterelles
A small bunch of fresh curly parsley
30g butter
Olive oil
½ a red onion, peeled and finely sliced
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
150ml single cream
1 lemon


How to make creamy mushrooms

1. Preheat your oven to its lowest setting and pop the loaf of bread in to warm through. Spend a few minutes gently brushing along the underside of the mushrooms to get rid of any bugs and dirt that might be hiding there. This is well worth the effort. Finely chop your parsley, stalks and all, reserving a few of the leaves.

2. Put the butter into a large hot pan and as soon as it starts to melt add a drizzle of olive oil, the mushrooms, sliced onion and a good pinch of salt and pepper. Stir everything around and cook for about 8 minutes, or until the onions have softened and the mushrooms are starting to caramelize and take on colour.

3. Add the chopped parsley, then pour in the cream. Continue to stir and cook for another minute, until the cream has come to the boil, then turn down the heat and simmer for a minute before removing from the heat. Add a good squeeze of lemon juice, have a taste, and add more salt, pepper or lemon juice if it needs it. Take your bread out of the oven and tear it into big chunks. Divide the mushrooms between your plates and scatter over the reserved parsley leaves. Serve with your chunks of bread on the side to mop up all the creamy mushroomy juices, and tuck in!

Swedish Buns

Swedish Buns
For the dough

1 x 7g packet of yeast
375ml warm milk
1 heaped teaspoon ground cardamom (or about 20 cardamom pods)
2 large eggs, preferably free-range or organic
A pinch of sea salt
200g caster sugar
50g melted butter
800g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
15g unsalted butter
75g demerara sugar

For the filling
400g blueberries
75g caster sugar
1 orange


How to make Swedish Buns

1. Stir the yeast into the warm milk in a bowl, then put it aside. If using cardamom pods, lightly bash them in a pestle and mortar, then pick out the husks and pound the seeds to a fine powder. Beat the eggs and salt in a large bowl, then add the cardamom, sugar, melted butter, 500g of the flour and the milk and yeast mixture. Whisk constantly as you add everything so you end up with quite a thick, gluey consistency. Mix in the remaining 300g of flour until you have a dough. Use clean floured hands to bring the dough together, then dust the top with flour. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a warm place to prove for 1 hour, or until the dough has doubled in size and is full of air pockets.

2. Meanwhile, put the blueberries and caster sugar into a bowl. Finely grate the orange zest and add most of it to the bowl, along with a good squeeze of orange juice, then mash together with a potato masher. Line a large baking tray with greaseproof paper, then dot the paper with a few knobs of the butter and sprinkle over half the demerara sugar.

3. Dust a clean surface and your hands with flour and gently stretch and pull the risen dough out until it's a bit bigger than an A4 piece of paper. This next bit is pretty messy, so have a bowl of flour on hand to help you handle the dough and don't be alarmed if it seems quite wet. Use a slotted spoon to move half the mashed blueberries on to the dough. Try not to include too much juice. Use the back of the spoon to spread the blueberries around the dough. Pull the sides of the dough up and into the middle like an envelope, and keep turning and pushing the dough together.

4. Cut the dough into 8 equal portions, then pull and stretch each one into a long, thin sausage shape, twisting them around on themselves so you get a sort of rough knot. Arrange them on the tray, leaving enough room between for them to spread as they cook. Push your fingers into the top of each one to make a little well, then spoon in a few of the remaining mashed berries and gently push them down. Spoon over a little of the blueberry juice from the bowl, then sprinkle with the rest of your demerara and the reserved orange zest. Cover with a damp tea towel and leave to prove for about 20 minutes in a warm place.

5. Preheat your oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4. Once the buns have risen, put them into the oven and cook for 25 minutes, until golden and crispy. Serve them, hot and delicious, by themselves or with warm custard.

Milestone Soup

Milestone Soup

Heat Olive oil
Add Chopped Onion
Add Chopped Garlic
Add Chopped Baby Carrot
Add Mushrooms/ cabbage
Add Chopped Zuhinni
Add Parma Ham end
Add tomato
Add Peas
Add Parsley
Add some veggie (莙達菜)
Add Beet Root leaves
Add Stock
(May add pasta)
add 生菜

Add Basil smash with stick
Add Pine Nuts smash to pasta and then add parmansan cheese and grinde a little garlic, add a little of oilive oil
taste.. balance salty, basil and cheese taste

put on bowl and a tablespoon of pesto, basil leaves and olive oil

Nini Bellinis

Nini Bellinis

2 ripe peaches, flat ones if you can get them
1 x 750ml bottle of chilled Prosecco


How to make Nini Bellinis

1. I think this is best made just before serving, in front of your friends. Halve your peaches, remove their stones, then pop them into a liquidizer and blitz until smooth. Add a splash of water if needed and put the purée into a jug. If you don't have a liquidizer just use your hands to squeeze, mash and really push the peaches through a sieve so you get as much as possible of their wonderful flavour and the colour from their skins into the purée. You can get the purée as fine as you like, but I don't mind the thickness...it's quite rustic. Discard (or eat!) whatever is left behind in the sieve, then pour your Prosecco into the jug and gently mix together. Divide between six glasses right away, and top up with a little more Prosecco if need be, and enjoy!

P.S. The spirit of the Bellini isn't exclusive to peaches -- nectarines or berries are also lovely used in the same way. There could easily be a Bellini for every month of the year.

Beef Carpaccio

Beef Carpaccio


Beef Tenderlion
1/2 Lemon
Olive Oil
Black Pepper
Parmesan Cheese


1. Cut beef tenderlion in about 0.5cm thick.

2. Put each slice of beef in wax paper.

3. Smash the beef till very thin

4. Squeeze 1/2 lemon in a bowl, add same amount of olive oil, add salt and pepper.

5. Pour 1 tablespoon of the olive oil mixture on the beef.

6. Use the remaining olive oil mixture to make salad

Salad can be some 火箭菜, 璻玉瓜片,生菜,etc.. toss well
Put on top of beef carpaccio and add parmesan cheese

Risotto Bianco & Cherry Tomato Risotto

Risotto Bianco


Olive oil
White wine - Vermont
Wild grain rice
Pamersan Cheese


1. Heat olive oil in pan, add chopped onion and chopped celery. Cook for a few mins.

2. Add rice and salt then mix well.

3. Add white wine and stir.

4. Keep adding broth while cooking rice till rice is ready.

5. Add butter and cheese. Turn off stove and mix well.

6. Cover pan for 2 mins.

Cherry Tomato Risotto


Cherry tomato
4x Chopped Basil leaves
Olive oil
Black pepper
Pamersan Cheese


1. Heat olive oil in pan, add above ingredients and cook for a few mins.

2. Add risotto bianco and mix well.

3. Add some basil leaves, olive oil and pamansan cheese on top.

Spaghetti Vongole

Spaghetti Vongole


1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 cloves finely chopped garlic
Live clams
Fresh parsley
1 chopped chilli pepper
1/3 cup of dry white wine
2 Tbs butter

1. Cook spaghetti.

2. Sauté the garlic, chilli pepper  and parsley stems in oil in a large skillet, over a medium-high heat until the garlic starts to sizzle. Do not let the garlic brown.
3. Add the all clams in skillet and toss, add white wine. Cover and cook till clams are cooked, add olive oil if needed.

4. Add spaghetti and chopped parsley leaves on top and mix well.
Optional: Stir in butter and serve at once.