2018年3月17日 星期六

Pepper Lunch’s Beef Pepper Rice

Yield: 2 servings

INGREDIENTS: BEEF PEPPER RICE400g short plate cut beef (thinly sliced)3 cups cooked japanese rice1/4 cup canned corn1/2 tsp freshly crushed pepper2 tsp cooking oil2 tbsp butter2 tbsp spring onions, chopped

INGREDIENTS: HONEY SAUCE1 tbsp cooking oil2 tbsp onion, chopped1 tsp garlic, minced1/4 cup honey2 tbsp kikkoman1/8 tsp iodized salt1 tsp cornstarch1/4 cup water

INGREDIENTS: GARLIC SOY SAUCE1/4 cup kikkoman1/4 cup regular soy sauce4 large cloves garlic, crushed2 tsp sugar1 tsp cornstarch1/2 cup water

PROCEDURE: HONEY SAUCEMix together all ingredients in a sauce pan and boil for 3-5 minutes or until garlic and onions are soft.Puree in blender and transfer to sauce bottles.

PROCEDURE: GARLIC SOY SAUCEMix the 2 soy sauce together in a sauce pan.Marinate raw garlic in the soy sauce for 30 minutes.Add in the rest of the ingredients and bring to a boil for one minute.Turn off fire immediately.Puree in blender and transfer to sauce bottles.

Make sure that the beef is completely thawed.Heat cast iron skillet on high flame until it smokes.Put half of the steamed rice (while still hot) in the middle.Turn off fire.While skillet is still on the stove, turn off fire and scatter beef around the rice.Top with 1 tbsp of salted butter (this will instantly melt into the rice).Top with half the corn, half the pepper and half the spring onions. Serve immediately with the two sauces on the side.Repeat the same procedure for the second serving.


2018年3月5日 星期一



春雞   1隻

韓國鮮人蔘   3枝

蒜頭   5瓣

紅棗   8粒

蓮子   8粒

糯米   60g

生薑   4片

京蔥   1棵

水   1.5L

胡椒粉   適量

鹽   適量

竹籤   2枝


1. 糯米洗淨,加少許水及油浸泡1小時。

2. 紅棗擘開及蓮子去芯,浸泡1小時。

3. 將春雞內外洗淨,切去內臟、雞頭、雞腳及多餘肥膏後,印乾備用;鮮人蔘洗淨,切去蘆頭;京蔥切段,蒜頭去衣。

4. 混合一枝鮮人蔘、2粒蒜瓣、蓮子、4粒紅棗及糯米,加少許鹽調味後,醸進雞肚中,為不讓餡料漏出,用竹籤將雞肚封口。

5. 把釀好的春雞,及餘下的鮮人蔘、紅棗、蒜頭、京蔥、生薑放進鐵鍋,加入清水,加熱至水翻滾。

6. 轉文火煮2小時,撇走湯面油份,除去竹籤,加入少量鹽及白胡椒粉調味即成。



雞腿排   2塊

蔥   2條

蒜   4粒

薑   4片

醬油   30ml

味醂   15ml

糖   30g

水   50ml

台灣啤酒   200ml


1. 雞排皮向下乾煎10-15分鐘, 途中用厨房紙吸油

2. 返轉雞排加入蔥2條, 蒜4粒,薑4片, 醬油30ml,味醂15ml, 糖30g, 水50ml, 台灣啤酒200ml, 加蓋小火煮5-8分鐘, 之間大火收汁

2018年3月1日 星期四



去衣花生   160g

花生油   60ml

糖   1.5湯匙

鹽   1/4茶匙

煉奶   0.5-1湯匙


1. 將花生用180C焗15分鐘至金黃色或用鑊炒香.

2. 將已炒香的花生放入攪拌機打成花生碎, 如做粗粒花生醬中途取出一小部份, 之後將餘下的打成花生粉.

3. 加入花生油, 煉奶, 糖, 和鹽再打勻.

4. 加入碎花生, 用匙羹拌勻.