辣椒 250g (切碎)
蒜頭 1.5個 (切碎)
鹽 1湯匙
糖 1茶匙
米酒 2茶匙
1. 將辣椒洗淨索乾水,要完全乾.
2. 將辣椒切粒然後剁, 蒜頭切碎, 剁好後加蒜頭、鹽、糖、酒撈勻.
3. 放入一個玻璃樽內,蓋一塊牛油紙扭實個樽蓋放晌室溫地方發酵三日, 發酵完成後就可以放入雪櫃
2018年1月28日 星期日
2018年1月8日 星期一
4 6-ounce portions of salmon, preferably skin-on
2 Tbsp vegetable oil, plus more to wipe down the grill
1/4 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill
One lemon, thinly sliced, for garnish
1 Remove the salmon from the refrigerator and sprinkle a little salt over it. Let it sit at room temperature while you preheat your grill for high, direct heat.
2 While the grill is heating, mix the fresh dill with the butter in a small bowl.
3 When the grill is hot, scrape down the grates with a grill brush. Pour a little vegetable oil onto a paper towel, and use tongs to wipe down the grill grates. Coat the salmon in the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil and place, skin side up, onto the grill grates. Grill over high heat for 2-4 minutes (depending on how thick your salmon pieces are) undisturbed.
Carefully turn the salmon with a spatula. If using a gas grill, reduce the heat to medium. If using a charcoal grill, move the salmon to the cooler side of the grill. Cover and grill it for another 3-5 minutes, depending on how well done you prefer your salmon. The salmon should be just cooked through when done.
4 To serve, place a few thin slices of lemon on each plate. Remove the salmon pieces from the grill (it's okay if the skin sticks to the grill grates) and place on the lemon slices. Top each piece of salmon with about a tablespoon of the dill butter and serve at once.
4 6-ounce portions of salmon, preferably skin-on
2 Tbsp vegetable oil, plus more to wipe down the grill
1/4 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill
One lemon, thinly sliced, for garnish
1 Remove the salmon from the refrigerator and sprinkle a little salt over it. Let it sit at room temperature while you preheat your grill for high, direct heat.
2 While the grill is heating, mix the fresh dill with the butter in a small bowl.
3 When the grill is hot, scrape down the grates with a grill brush. Pour a little vegetable oil onto a paper towel, and use tongs to wipe down the grill grates. Coat the salmon in the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil and place, skin side up, onto the grill grates. Grill over high heat for 2-4 minutes (depending on how thick your salmon pieces are) undisturbed.
Carefully turn the salmon with a spatula. If using a gas grill, reduce the heat to medium. If using a charcoal grill, move the salmon to the cooler side of the grill. Cover and grill it for another 3-5 minutes, depending on how well done you prefer your salmon. The salmon should be just cooked through when done.
4 To serve, place a few thin slices of lemon on each plate. Remove the salmon pieces from the grill (it's okay if the skin sticks to the grill grates) and place on the lemon slices. Top each piece of salmon with about a tablespoon of the dill butter and serve at once.
2018年1月3日 星期三
西洋菜 1斤
陳腎(乾鴨腎) 2個
羅漢果 1/2個
南北杏 15g
蜜棗 2-3粒
陳皮 1塊
豬脊骨 600g
清水 8杯
1. 豬骨放入凍水汆水,沖洗乾淨。西洋菜浸鹽水約1小時;其餘材料洗淨。
2. 陳皮用水浸軟,刮去囊;陳腎浸泡約30分鐘,汆水,備用。
3. 放入所有材料,注入適量清水於煲內(我用LC鍋‧26cm)。
4. 以中火滾約15分鐘,蓋上鍋蓋,以中小火煲約2小時。
5. 熄火,焗約30分鐘;下適量鹽調味,即成。
西洋菜 1斤
陳腎(乾鴨腎) 2個
羅漢果 1/2個
南北杏 15g
蜜棗 2-3粒
陳皮 1塊
豬脊骨 600g
清水 8杯
1. 豬骨放入凍水汆水,沖洗乾淨。西洋菜浸鹽水約1小時;其餘材料洗淨。
2. 陳皮用水浸軟,刮去囊;陳腎浸泡約30分鐘,汆水,備用。
3. 放入所有材料,注入適量清水於煲內(我用LC鍋‧26cm)。
4. 以中火滾約15分鐘,蓋上鍋蓋,以中小火煲約2小時。
5. 熄火,焗約30分鐘;下適量鹽調味,即成。
茄子 1條
杏鮑菇 2個
蝦乾 40g
XO醬 1湯匙
砂糖 1/2茶匙
蒜頭 3瓣
1. 將茄子及杏鮑菇切件;蝦乾浸洗;蒜頭切碎備用。
2. 茄子用盐水浸30分钟备用;用中火燒熱鍋,加少許油,加入茄子炒至軟身,盛起備用。
3. 用中火燒熱另一個鍋,加少許油,加入蒜頭及蝦乾炒香。
4. 加入杏鮑菇及適量水炒至軟身。
5. 加入茄子、XO醬及砂糖炒勻,即成。
茄子 1條
杏鮑菇 2個
蝦乾 40g
XO醬 1湯匙
砂糖 1/2茶匙
蒜頭 3瓣
1. 將茄子及杏鮑菇切件;蝦乾浸洗;蒜頭切碎備用。
2. 茄子用盐水浸30分钟备用;用中火燒熱鍋,加少許油,加入茄子炒至軟身,盛起備用。
3. 用中火燒熱另一個鍋,加少許油,加入蒜頭及蝦乾炒香。
4. 加入杏鮑菇及適量水炒至軟身。
5. 加入茄子、XO醬及砂糖炒勻,即成。
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